zaterdag 20 februari 2010

Prima Prima

Look at the new Prima products. I'm so gonna need them all!
Have a look at their blog, with lots of information but most of all inspiration. And this is what came today. When I got home from work there was a box waiting for me. Wooohoooooo! Isn't it wonderful? The new Pistache line, some great alpha and those crystals and pebbles. OOohhhh totally adore it!

Enjoy your weekend!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. ooo ! yummy yummy goodness have arrived for sure ! enjoy ! can't wait to see what you get up to with them ! ;)

  2. Yum yum yum!!! You are so lucky!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on getting to be the GDT at Scrapgal.

    Love your blog and your beautiful pages.
    julie ann

    p.s. thanks for visiting the bad girls blog

  3. Hi Mickey
    Long time no see! Please can you LMK where you bought the Prima stuff on line as I need to order some for my birthday, thanks sweetie...


Thanks for leaving me a note!